For Businesses
Whether you use basic bodyforms to display your clothing, or expensive top-end mannequins, the whole point of a mannequin is to show clothing as it would look on a 'real' person (unless the clothes look terribe on a real person or mannequin, in which case a basic bodyform is the way to go). Therefore it follows that showing the clothes in the best possible way makes good sense, and an eye-catching mannequin is the best way to do this.
So why use bland, unrealistic mannequins that are exactly the same as everyone else's? It shows little imagination when huge retail chains with enormous budgets and strict corporate styling guidelines use the same mannequins as the little boutique round the corner. In a fiercely competitive industry like fashion, it simply makes good business sense to do everything to show off your merchandise in the best possible way. This is why my mannequins make so much difference - people notice them! And if they've stopped to look at your mannequins, you've immediately got the edge over your competitors, because they notice what you are selling.
Take a look at any mannequins anywhere, at any price. Check how much new, good quality mannequins cost. Then compare them to Mannequin Makeovers' mannequin and judge for yourself.
Whether you have a department store full of mannequins in need of a fresh new look, or you want one or two beautiful mannequins to give your small business a competitive edge, contact me now to find out
how easy and affordable it is with
Mannequin Makeovers.